And when they succeed, hopefully his reaction will be a sight to behold! Anyway, hope you liked.But that's not the only way that Cuphead and Mugman are being fleeced.The Devil isn't sending them to fight these dangerous bosses for a good reason - he just wants to watch them suffer, and he isn't betting on them succeeding. HOI!! So ye, I forget to say but I thought of the idea. "Possibly, anything could happen" I say letting her go and she waved bye to mugman. I pushed past him and hugged (y/n) goodbye. I walked back into the room and mugs was staring at me, he had a huge grin across his face. I smiled and said "mugs was right, she is a perfect match for me". She didn't really acknowledge him and just walked away. We just awkwardly stare at each other for a good 5 minutes until bendy says "thanks for helping me" to (y/n). We stop kissing and see bendy just standing there on the balcony for the room next door. "Ummmmmmmmmmmm, this is very awkward" I hear a voice say. She didn't know I was there so she screamed. (Y/n) went on the balcony and I followed. Mugs finally pushed her off and ran and hid under the bed. "Your a perfect match for cups" mugs said trying to escape from (y/n). Mugs didn't expect it so he got attacked. I pushed myself backwards and blushed a light pink, as for (y/n) she blushed a very dark red. Then mugs went behind me and pushed me to (y/n), causing us to kiss. We started to run around the room, (y/n) giggled. "BITCH YOU ARE SO DEAD!" I yell running at him. "CUPHEAD AND (Y/N) SITTING IN A TREE! K.I.S.S.I.N.G!!!!" Mugs sang. He moved out the way causing me to bang my head against the wall. "Oh you are so dead" I say as I jolted up and pounced for him. "Ooooooooooooo!! Someone has a crrrruuuuuuuuuushhhhhhh!!" Mugs yelled. "I wasn't flirting" I say blushing a strawberry red. I see mugs standing on the bed with a pillow. After a moment of silence I got hit over the head by a pillow. "I can't tell you" I say looking into her hypnotic (e/c) eyes. "Why are you trying to kill him?" She asked. I looked at the ground "because you tried to save bendy" I say. "Why did you try to kill me cups?" (Y/n) asked. Mugs left the room and I sat next to (y/n). She gave a weak smile, I could tell she was still scared. "Well I'm mugman or mugs and this is my bro cuphead or cups" mugs said. She got scared then told us her name "(Y/N)!! I'm (y/n)". "TELL US!!" I say pointing my finger gun at her. I saw the demon girl awake, she seemed nervous. "We couldn't have just left her there" I say as I lit up a cigarette. Mugs was watching her sleep, I gave him a sturn look and he joined me on the balcony. "Hey cups, why did you bring her with us?" Mugs asked. We were at our hotel room and I placed the girl on my bed. I picked up the girl and walked away, mugs not too far behind. "What the fu-" the cup said before I cut him off with "SOOOOOO FLOOOOOOFYYYYYY!!".
Cuphead cutting room floor crack#
The cup sat up on the floor, he had a crack in his head. He started to run, still with the demon in his arms. I threw off my (f/c) hoodie reviling that I'm a demon and punched the holy cup. "Ah, it's you" the cup that I saw earlier said. There was light blue smoke for a while, when it cleared there was two men with cups for their heads. Before I answered the wall got blastered. I gently handed the demon over to the wolf. Without thinking I ran to pick up the demon and ran off with him in my arms. Then his finger started to glow light blue. I just stood there with a blank expression. He uncrossed his arms and pointed his finger at the demon. I pulled down my (f/c) hood and looked at him with fury. "Hu" the talking cup said as he looked at me. I saw the location of the bag and snuck to get it. "As if I'll help you" the cup person said crossing his arms. "M.m.my b.b.bag p.please" the demon said. It's pretty disgusting" the cup man said. I saw a man with a cup for a head and a demon on the floor. "Ha, ya clumsy little shit" was what I heard before I looked. Full of curiosity, I went to investigate. I was walking down the street with a hoodie on to hide the fact that I'm a demon until I saw a ball of light blue light.